• 2022-06-09
    His plan was such a good one _________ we all agreed to accept it.
  • that


    • 0

      The contract contains basically all we have() during our negotiations A: agreed upon B: agreed with C: agreed in D: agreed

    • 1

      Every one of them agreed to his proposal ______ her.

    • 2

      We all know that it is very hard to () him to give his plan up. A: endeavor B: reduce C: assert D: induce

    • 3

      我们都赞成他的建议。______ A: We are all in favour of his suggestion. B: We all approve his suggestion. C: We all agree his proposal. D: We are all approval of his suggestion.

    • 4

      He insisted that we all ______ in his office at one o’clock. A: be B: to be C: would be D: shall be