What is the significance of getting the target blood pressure below 120?
- 1.Which of the following is false according to what you have just learned? A: A typical healthy individual's systolic pressure between 90 and 120 millimeters of mercury. B: A typical healthy individual's diastolic pressure between 60 and 80 millimeters of mercury C: A normal blood pressure reading is a bit less than 120 over 80. D: Blood pressure regularly rises above about 120 over 80, which is called hypertension.
- Lowering blood pressure gently is one of the principles of blood pressure control.
- What is pilocarpine most commonly used for? A: For decreasing heart rate B: To decrease blood pressure (vasodilation) C: For urinary retention D: Decreasing intraocular pressure
- Which the following statement about the change of blood pressure is<br/>wrong() A: Clip the side of the common carotid artery, and cause to raise blood<br/>pressure B: Arterial blood pressure is elevated when the sympathetic nerve is<br/>excited C: Vagus nerve inhibits heart activity and lowers arterial blood<br/>pressure D: The excitation of vagus nerve enhances heart activity and arterial<br/>blood pressure elevated E: Intravenous epinephrine, blood pressure rise
- Which of the following about arterial blood pressure is correct? A: Average arterial pressure is the average of systolic and diastolic blood pressure. B: The variation of aortic pressure and left ventricular pressure is the same. C: The variation of aortic pressure and left ventricular pressure is the same. D: Arterial blood pressure increases with age in both men and women.