When your blood pressure reaches a certain level, it becomes dangerous.
- When the mean arterial pressure fluctuates in a certain range, the stabilization of the renal blood flow belongs to A: autoregualtion B: negative feedback C: positive feedback D: feedforward
- Your blood pressure may rise, the _______ of your sleep may decrease, and your ______ may be depressed.
- Excessive alcohol can increase your blood glucose to dangerous levels.
- Which the following statement about the change of blood pressure is<br/>wrong() A: Clip the side of the common carotid artery, and cause to raise blood<br/>pressure B: Arterial blood pressure is elevated when the sympathetic nerve is<br/>excited C: Vagus nerve inhibits heart activity and lowers arterial blood<br/>pressure D: The excitation of vagus nerve enhances heart activity and arterial<br/>blood pressure elevated E: Intravenous epinephrine, blood pressure rise
- 中国大学MOOC: In order to control your blood pressure, you should _______.