Which two of the following characteristics apply to internal audit?(1) The purpose is to improve the company's operations. (2) Reports to shareholders on whether the financial statements give a true and fair view of affairs. (3) Auditors may be employees of the company(4) Evidence is collected in accordance with relevant ISAs.
A: (1) and (3)
B: (2) and (4)
C: (1) and (4)
D: (2) and (3)
A: (1) and (3)
B: (2) and (4)
C: (1) and (4)
D: (2) and (3)
- Please give the correct order of talking about the weather logically. (1) give your opinion (2) give a fact (3) give a description (4)give a comparison A: (2) (3) (4) (1) B: (3) (4) (1) (2) C: (2) (4) (1) (3) D: (4) (2) (3) (1)
- Which two of the following would be classified as substantive procedures?(1) Tests of control(2) Walk-through tests(3) Analytical procedures(4) Tests of details A: (1) and (2) B: (1) and (4) C: (2) and (3) D: (3) and (4)
- which of the following is true about Chicago's nickname? A: 1 B: 2 C: 3 D: 4
- Which TWO of the following will be classified as non-current assets for a dealer in computer equipment?(1) Computers for resale(2) Vehicles for delivering computers(3) Business capital(4) Office furniture A: 1 and 2 B: 2 and 3 C: 2 and 4 D: 3 and 4
- 【单选题】设集合 A ={1, 2, 3, 4} , A 上的二元关系 R ={<1, 2>,<1, 4>,<2, 4>,<3, 3>} , S ={<1, 4>,<2, 3>,<2, 4>,<3, 2>} .则关系 ()={<1, 4>,<2, 4>} A. R È S B. R Ç S C. R- S D. S - R