• 2022-06-09
    Why were the carts considered the problem in colonial towns
    A: Because carts scared the pigs away.
    B: Because carts injured a large number of people.
    C: Because carts often moved too slowly.
    D: Because carts broke down too easily.
  • C


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      Why Bruno experienced awkward moments when greeting? A: Because he is very shy. B: Because he just waves his hand. C: Because he is too enthusiastic and touch people too much. D: Because he doesn’t like to touch people.

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      Why is Bob late A: [A] Because he was caught in a traffic jam. B: Because his pens and notebooks were taken away by a crowd of people. C: Because he joined a crowd of people to get an autograph.

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      The reason (why) I came late (for) the meeting was (because) my car (broke down).() A: why B: for C: because D: broke down

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      Under which condition should you tip the bellman? A: When the bellman stores your bags. B: When the bellman carts your bags to your hotel room. C: When the bellman carts your bags from the hotel room. D: All of the above.

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      Why is it hard to lose an accent() A: Because people with accents are stupid. B: Because people have to reset the speech patterns due to different alphabets. C: Because hiring a speech coach is too expensive, and people cannot afford. D: Because people with accents have different culture backgrounds which may not be overcome easily.