Company ABC has a share price of $10 with 30,000 shares outstanding。 So what is the market capitalization of Company ABC?( )。
A: $30,000
B: $300,000
C: $3,000
D: $300
A: $30,000
B: $300,000
C: $3,000
D: $300
- Company A has a share price of $20 with 10,000 shares outstanding. So what is the market capitalization of Company A?
- 人耳能够听到的音频范围通常在() A: 5 000 – 10 000赫兹 B: 300 – 3 000赫兹 C: 300赫兹以下 D: 3 000赫兹以上
- ABC公司以现金300000元发放职工工资。请编制会计分录( )。 A: 借:库存现金<br/>300<br/>000 B: 借:应付职工薪酬<br/>300<br/>000 C: 贷:管理费用<br/>300<br/>000 D: 贷:库存现金 <br/>300<br/>000
- 4、 幸运公司收到D公司预付购货款300 000元存入银行。 ( ) A: 借:银行存款 300 000贷:预付账款 300 000 B: 借:预收账款 300 000贷:银行存款 300 000 C: 借:银行存款 300 000贷:预收账款 300 000 D: 借:预付账款 300 000贷:银行存款 300 000
- Company A has earnings of $20,000 and 1,000 shares outstanding, so what is the EPS of Company A?