• 2022-06-09
    Δ G = 0 in the following process of().
    A: ammonia dissociation in water reaches to equilibrium;
    B: ideal gas expands in vacuum;
    C: alcohol dissolves in water;
    D: explosive.
  • A


    • 0

      4-2。which is the best material for heat insulation?( ) A: water B: cotton C: vacuum

    • 1

      Which of the following compressions in the soil under loading cannot be ignored() A: soil particles B: interparticle pore C: sealing gas D: water in the soil

    • 2

      Which of the following is NOT part of the hydrologic cycle? A: water moving into creeks and streams following a rainstorm B: water infiltrating into the soil and bedrock C: calcium carbonate dissolving in soil water and groundwater D: water evaporating from a lake

    • 3

      Water treatment process for unpolluted surface water contains: influent, coagulation, ______ , ______ , disinfection, water supply network. (only one word for each blank)

    • 4

      Scientists figured out that human bodies are basically made of() A: hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen atoms B: water vapor, ammonia, carbon dioxide, methane and hydrogen C: biomolecules and water D: evolutionary molecules