The topic sentence “A cat is a better pet for students than a dog because of X, Y, and Z” implies that the essay will argue the superiority or advantages of the cat over the dog.
- 在前面几题的基础上,有子类Dog和Cat继承了父类Animal,如下空格的输出是以下哪个选项?dog = Dog(coco,small); cat = Cat(kawaii)>>> isinstance(dog, Animal)___________>>> isinstance(cat, Animal)___________>>> isinstance(dog, Dog)___________>>> isinstance(dog, Cat)____________
- xiaoli takes the dog back to the pet shop because she gets allergic to the dog.
- 若Animal是Cat,Dog的父类,则下列选项中,正确的是() A: Animal animal = new Cat(); B: Animal a = new Cat(); Cat cat = (Cat) a; C: Animal animal = new Dog(); D: Cat cat = (Cat)new Dog();
- 若Animal是Cat,Dog的父类,则下列选项中,正确的是() A: Animal animal = new Cat(); B: Cat cat = (Cat)new Animal(); C: Animal animal = new Dog(); D: Cat cat = (Cat)new Dog();
- The author wants to write ______. A: a clog book B: a cat book C: a dog and cat book D: a dog and a cat book