If you must sit facing the desk, shift your chair slightly as you sit down or
第一印象常常是持久的印象。的确,如果处理得当,你就能有幸获得社会学家称之为“光环效应”带来的种种好处。这就是说,要是在一开始关键的几分钟里你就给人留下好的印象,初遇者就可能认为你办的事件件都好。 你的一举一动都会大大影响你给面试者的第一印象。在有关人际交流的一项意义重大的研究中心理学家发现,关于情感和态度的信息有7%来自我们的语言文字,有38%来自我们的语音,而惊人的是,竟有55%来自我们的面部表情。事实上,如果面部表情或说话语调与我们所说的话发生矛盾时,听者通常会更加看重那些非语言信息。 为了使第一次面试成功,一开始的握手要坚定有力。如果面试者没有主动伸出手来,你就主动先把手伸出来。要是可以选择座位的话,要坐在面试者桌子的侧面,而不要坐在正对面。这样坐法你们中间就没有障碍了,而且在一定程度上起到减少对立的作用。如果你只能坐在桌子对面,那么坐的时候把椅子稍微挪一下或者把身体坐的角度偏一点,这样你就不是正对着面试者了。 要注意你的形体语言,千万不要表现得对这份工作迫不及待,也不要表现得急于讨好别人。要保持一种办理公事时一本正经的神态。非语言行为可削弱语言信息的力量,从而使你显得优柔寡断缺乏自信,而不合时宜的微笑就是一个最为常见的例子。良好的目光交流也非常重要。有一项研究发现,多用目光进行交流的求职者可给人以更为机警、可靠、自信、负责的印象。
- 智慧职教: Where should you put your napkin when you sit down?
- During dinner, you should sit up straight and you must put your elbows always on the table.
- Please don’t sit in front of desk for a long time. You need to stand up and ________ your body.
- You should take more ____(exercise)、 Don’t always sit at the desk busy doing your ____(exercise)、
- Do you sit at a desk? A: Yes, I do sit at a desk. B: Yes, I sit. C: I sit on my chair. D: I can sit at a desk.
- 0
During dinner, you should sit up straight and you must put your elbows always on the table. A: 正确 B: 错误
- 1
Where should you put your napkin when you sit down? A: under the plate B: on the table C: on the plate D: on the lap
- 2
If you inviting somebody into your office for a ( ) meeting, it is always expected that you invite them to sit down first by directing them to where you want them to sit.
- 3
Which side can I sit on the boat? — If you sit still, you can sit on _______.
- 4
题 请坐这边好吗?用英语最妥当的表述是( )。 A: Would you mind sit down here? B: Sitting here,please. C: Would you mind sitting down here? D: Would you sit down here?