• 2022-06-06
    A: 稳定;稳固
    B: 危险;危难
    C: 困难;棘手
    D: 情况;情形
  • A


    • 0

      The goals of monetary policy include: A: output stability B: price stability C: stability of the financial markets D: all of the above E: both (b) and (c) of the above

    • 1

      危险货物的堆码要求有()。 A: 整齐 B: 稳固 C: 标志朝外 D: 箭头朝上

    • 2

      Which of the following descriptions are for the objectives of the monetary policy of the central bank? ( ) A: Price stability B: High employment and output stability C: Low interest rate D: Stability of financial markets

    • 3

      Electronic Stability Control可译为:( ) A: 主动安全系统 B: 被动安全系统 C: 电子稳定控制系统 D: 盲点监测系统

    • 4

      人们正常生活受到比较严重影响但尚未达到危及生命的状况是指()。 A: 危难 B: 困难 C: 威胁 D: 困境