• 2022-06-06
    The alarm management mode of DVR (non-manual alarm) includes ( )
    A: External contact alarm mode
    B: External API alarm mode
    C: VMD alarm mode
    D: Timing alarm mode
  • A,B,C


    • 0

      Smoke alarm is very important.

    • 1

      The counting mode is to count the external pulse of P0 port

    • 2

      (Single Choice)In the project management of railway construction, which of the following is the mode of contracting according to the quantity of project.( ) A: The lump-sum contracting mode B: The construction management mode C: The general project contracting mode D: The unit price contracting mode

    • 3

      subtractive color mode refers to A: CMYK mode B: RGB mode C: HSB mode D: LAB mode

    • 4

      Additive color mode refers to A: RGB mode B: HSB mode C: CMYK mode D: LAB mode