• 2022-06-06
    The popular belief is that machines have replaced skilled workers everywhere. There are many skilled artisans in China and other Asian countries._______________the popular belief that machines have replaced skilled workers everywhere, there are many skilled artisans in China and other Asian countries.
  • Contrary to


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      I ______English. A: am skillful with B: skilled with C: am skilled in D: am skilled

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      Skilled workers are _______ recently in this city. A: demanding badly B: in great demand C: in assessment D: in the face of

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      In European countries and the U. S, people believe that man is born with original sin. But in China and in some other Asian countries, people traditionally think that men are born innocent, but corruptible.

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      Up to the end of 2018, direct flights to 45 countries have been realized. 1,239 new international routes have opened between China and other B&R countries.

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      The gaps between the United States and the Asian countries of Honk Kong, Singapore, Korea and China have been A: decreasing B: increasing C: remaining fairly constant D: there are no gaps between these Asian countries and the United States