• 2022-06-06
    If you are “cold calling” a company, then you should make it clear that you are applying for any current or future employment opportunities.
  • 假如你未事先告知,自己登门求职或直接打电话到公司,那么你应该说明如果现在的职位已满,你还有意申请以后的工作机会。


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      When you make a mistake, you should not _______.

    • 1

      ​____. As a part of your company, you should always defend your company and argue with the customer without any sympathy. ‏

    • 2

      Profit as much as you can from any advice which you can get from the interviewer so as to improve your future presentation. In order to improve your future presentation, __________ (make the most of).

    • 3

      Before you start, make sure you have a clear idea of why you are starting a company.

    • 4

      You should make a reasonable timetable to make sure what you should do one by one.