• 2022-06-06
    baud rate of serial transfer using Mode 0 of 8051 running at 6MHz
    clock frequency is()
    A: fixed
    at 256Kbps
    B: fixed
    at 512Kbps
    C: variable
    with maximum with 256Kbps
    D: variable
    with maximum with 512Kbps
  • B


    • 0

      用PCM对语音进行数字化,如果将声音分为256个量化级,采样频率为44.1kHz,那么一路话音需要的数据传输率为______。 A: 256 kbps B: 512 kbps C: 352.8kbps D: 11289.6kbps

    • 1

      Which<br/>of the following can be used as the Y-axis of the bar chart? () A: frequency B: relative<br/>frequency C: relative<br/>frequency density D: values<br/>of a variable

    • 2

      In<br/>a strain ellipsoid for rock deformation, the maximum strain axis is<br/>parallel to() A: the<br/>maximum flattening surface B: the<br/>maximum tensile surface C: the<br/>maximum stretching direction of minerals D: the<br/>maximum shearing surface

    • 3

      单路标准PCM电话系统的数据传输速率为( )。 A: 32 kbps B: 48 kbps C: 64 kbps D: 96 kbps

    • 4

      带宽为 6 kHz,信噪比为 20 dB 的信道,发送二进制信号时的最大数据传输率是_______。 A: 20.76 kbps B: 26.35 kbps C: 39.95 kbps D: 45.91 kbps