成就越多,期盼就越多。(the more…the more)
- It is well known that the more the old people use their brains, the more mentallyactive they will be. A: 这件事传开了,老人越多用脑,智力就越灵活。 B: 大家知道了,老人更多动脑,主动性更强。 C: 众所周知,老人用脑越多,头脑就越活跃。 D: 众所周知,老人用脑越多、智力会更活跃。
- . According to Karel, the better people adhere to the process, the more disciplined they are, and the more waste there will be. 根据Karel的观点,人们越遵守流程,他们的纪律性就越明显,造成的浪费就越多
- 位图图像中像素越多、分辩率就越( ),描述图像就越细,像素能表示的色彩数越多,描绘的图像就越逼真。
- 拥有的产品线越多,产品组合就越窄,反之就越宽。
- 重复次数越多,试验误差就越