• 2022-06-06
    To be safe, you should stay at least ______ meters away from the gorilla.
  • seven


    • 0

      We should learn to take care of ourselves. You know, we can't ____ our parents forever. A: stay away from B: keep in touch with C: depend on D: decide on

    • 1

      The author had a desire to ______ the gorilla. A: fight against B: communicate with C: run away from

    • 2

      告知人员远离传送系统。 A: Tell personnel to stay away from the conveyor system. B: Leave a verbal statement to personnel to stay away from the conveyer system. C: Warn personnel to stay away from the conveyor system.

    • 3

      What message can we get from the two photos in the magazine A: Gorillas are man's close friends. B: Both man and the gorilla need to be saved. C: Young gorillas are as lovely as human babies. D: Man should live peacefully with the gorilla.

    • 4

      The bomb was taken away and the soldiers ____________ it at a safe distance from the houses.