• 2022-06-06
    The five working languages of the United Nations are ____, English, Arabic, Russian, Spanish and French.
  • Chinese


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      Canadian children are encouraged to learn both ______ and ______ at school. A: English and Spanish B: French and Spanish C: English and French D: Portuguese and French

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      During the Norman Conquest, three languages co-existed in Britain, which of the following is Not included? A: English B: French C: Spanish D: Latin

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      Despite its name, the French and Indian War was a war fought between ________.( ) A:  the French and the English B:  the French and Indians C:  the English and Indians D:  the English and the Spanish

    • 3

      After the Norman Conquest, which three languages co-existed in England?( ) A: English, French, Celtic B: Italian, French, English C: Latin, French, English D: Latin, French, Italian

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      Many English words related to ______ , ______ , and government have French origins in the influence of French.