• 2022-06-06
    D2Assistant:Yes of course._________have you had it?Customer:About________.Assistant:Well,the set is very old.It'll cost about_____. It's_____to buy a new one.
  • How long 8years 50pounds cheaper


    • 0

      —Have you heard about that car accident near the school?—Yes, luckily no one ______.

    • 1

      What can you say to greet a customer if you are the shop assistant?

    • 2

      W: Have you bought that new suitM: Yes, I bought it last week.W: I’m buying one for myself.M: Everyone needs to buy a suit now and then. What are they talking about() A: Clothes. B: Latest news. C: A new house. D: Daily work.

    • 3

      —Did you eat yet —() A: Yes, let's have lunch together B: No, let's go there sometime C: No, about an hour ago D: Yes, about an hour ago

    • 4

      --- Why didn’t you buy a new car? ---- I would have bought one if I ____enough money. A: had B: have had C: would have D: had had