• 2022-06-06
    Laborers, whose only motive is making a living, feel that the time they spend on the boring daily work is wasted and doesn't bring them happiness.
  • 正确


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      Laborers believe only the time spent in ( ) as meaningful. A: leisure B: play C: work

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      According to Russell, uninteresting work cannot bring us happiness.

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      He didn’t feel like _________ (work), so he suggested ________ (spend) the day in the garden.

    • 3

      I didn't feel like ____ so I suggested ____ the day in the garden. A: to work, spending B: working, to spend C: working, spending D: to work, to spend

    • 4

      Which of the following statements is not true of happiness? A: Life gives only periods of happiness. B: Money does not determine the nature and extent of happiness. C: Our ideas of happiness will remain unchanged as we mature.