• 2022-06-06
    The president is now ______ to Australia.
    A: on visit
    B: visiting
    C: visiting
    D: on a visit
  • D


    • 0

      They went out ______ their old friends. A: visit B: visiting C: to visit D: visited

    • 1

      When we ______ the museum is not decided. A: visited B: visit C: will visit D: visiting

    • 2

      Do you know the queen is __________ Japan in a week's time? A: to visit B: visiting C: visit D: will visit

    • 3

      Visiting can be divided into three phases A: before the visit B: during the visit C: after the visit D: other

    • 4

      Only one of these places is ______. A: worth visit B: worth to visit C: worth visiting