• 2022-06-06
    vt. put your arms around sb. and hold them tightly to show love or friendshipn. the action of putting your arms around sb. and holding them tightly to show love or friendship
  • hug


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      What are the right manners in a business reception? A: Fix your eyes on the customer all the time. B: Keep your eyes on the customers for 1 to 2 seconds and then look away. C: Hold the customers hands tightly for long to show your warmth. D: Arrive at the airport before customers’ arrival time.

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      s_____ ______ vt. give a plan, piece of writing, etc. to sb. in authority for them to consider or approve

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      • In Latin America, men often hug when they meet each other, but in the United States, most men do not embrace each other.• At the airport, a man embraced a woman tightly before saying goodbye. A: speak in an angry way B: push away C: put one's arms around

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      中国大学MOOC: Which of the following expressions is useful to show your strongest love for sth.? ( )

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      【单选题】arms aloft and fists clenched ... Did the writer (a) wrap her arms around her body, or (b) lift her arms above her head? A. wrap her arms around her body B. lift her arms above her head?