• 2022-06-07
    The number of pixels used to represent a picture is called the______
  • Resolution


    • 0

      Which religion does the following picture represent?[img=314x231]17a411781859e22.png[/img]

    • 1

      _______ are the allegories commonly used to represent yin and yang.

    • 2

      The number nine was sometimes combined with number________ to represent imperial majesty.

    • 3

      A contract proper includes: (1) the full name and address of the______ and the ______ ; (2) the ______ involved; (3) all the ______ and ______ agreed upon; (4) indication of the number of original copies of the contract, the language used, the term of validity and possible extension of the contract.

    • 4

      Which religion does the following picture represent?https://image.zhihuishu.com/zhs/onlineexam/ueditor/201908/7febabde1a644119bfc0ca00601b182e.png