In a set of numerical data, the value for Q2 is always halfway between Q1 and Q3.
- There are two point-charges<br/>q1<br/>and q2.<br/>The magnitude of electric field force between them is F. If the third<br/>point charge +Q is<br/>introduced, will the force between q1<br/>and q2<br/>be influenced by +Q<br/>[ ] A: It will not be influenced by +Q B: It will be influenced by +Q
- 接上题,(3)应该填写( )。 A: q=data; B: q<=data; C: q<=1'b1; D: q<=1'b0;
- 已知队列Q中存放数据(1,-2,3,-4,5,-6),其中1为队头,执行下面程序段之后,队列Q1和Q2中结果为()。 void fun(CirQueue*Q, CirQueue *Q1, CirQueue *Q2) { int e; InitQueue(Q1); InitQueue(Q2); while (!QueueEmpty(Q)) { e=DeQueue(Q); if(e>=0) EnQueue(Q1,e); else EnQueue(Q2,e); } }
- 有限状态自动机可用五元组(VT,Q,δ,q0,Qf)来描述,设有一有限状态自动机M的定义如下:VT={0, 1},Q={q0, q1, q2},Qf={q2},δ的定义为:δ(q0,0)=q1 δ(q1,0)=q2 δ(q2,1)=q2 δ(q2,0)=q2 M所能接受的语言可以用正则表达式表示为() A: (0|1)* B: 00(0|1)* C: (0|1)*00 D: 0(0|1)*0
- 异步时序电路module AMOD(D,A,CLK,Q); output Q; input A,D,CLK; reg Q,Q1; always @(posedge CLK)Q1 <= ~(A | Q); always @(posedge ____ )Q <= D;endmodule空格处应该填入: A: CLK B: Q1 C: D D: A