The trainees will then be paired ___________ experienced managers.( )
A: with
B: to
C: at
D: on
A: with
B: to
C: at
D: on
- In traditionally structured organizations managers can be classified as first-line managers, middle managers, or top managers.
- ContrAst the reseArCh CompAring effe Crive mAnAgers with suCCessful mAnAgers. WhAt Are the impliCAtions from the reseArCh for prACtiCing mAnAgers?
- 1. According to the research, female managers are more bossy than male managers.
- Generally, a corporation is owned by its A: managers. B: board of directors and shareholders. C: shareholders. D: managers, board of directors, and shareholders.
- Given other things unchanged, managers with well-trained and experienced employees can function well with a wider span of control than those with a less talented workforce.