• 2022-06-06
    To balance the budget without increasing taxes would obviously____cutting spending.
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      To tighten fiscal policy the government would: A: Privatise government assets B: Raise interest rates C: Increase the size of the budget deficit D: Lower government spending

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      If your __________ doesn’t balance, it’s time to cut back on your non-essential spending.

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      Which of the following would not go in a cash budget? A: Receipts from sales B: Opening cash balance C: Payments to creditors D: Depreciation E: Expenses paid

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      Which of the following would probably be the best kind of visual aid to demonstrate the five major areas of spending in the federal budget? A: A diagram. B: A line graph. C: A pie graph D: A photograph.

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      Travelers would choose to go there by train instead of by plane. A: in a tight budget B: in a loose budget C: on a tight budget D: on a loose budget