• 2022-06-06
    中国大学MOOC: According to Sunzi, if a route can be taken, then it should be taken.
  • 内容

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      According to the last paragraph, what measure should be taken to keep driver’s madness in good control

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      ______ on time according to the instruction, these pills will be quite effective. A: Taking B: Being taken C: Taken D: Having taken

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      中国大学MOOC: 10. In many Asian, African and Latin American cultures, extended eye contact can be taken as an affront or_______________.

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      Cutthroat competition seriously disturbs the market rule, it is urgent that immediate measures () to stop the situation. A: will be taken B: must be taken C: has been taken D: should be taken

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      Can you believe that he has ________ go-karting since he was 12 years old?‎ A: taken up B: taken on C: taken off D: taken to