6.Tour prices are being ________________ as much as 33%. [ ]旅行团价格打了6.7折之多。
- The tour that goes to Shanghai leaves every other day. A: 到上海的旅行每天发团一次 B: 到上海的旅行每别的天发团一次。 C: 到上海的旅行每隔一天发团一次
- Our company [ ] low prices and fine products.
- { 执行下列代码后的输出结果是()。 >;>;>; a=[1,2,3] >;>;>; b=[1,2,3] >;>;>; list(map(lambda x,y:str(x+y),a,b)) }(1.0) A: ['2', '4', '6'] B: [2, 4, 6] C: ['11', '22', '33'] D: [11, 22, 33]
- 不该打的仗却打了,体现在[]。
- Restaurants ______ from very luxurious to very simple, with the prices of the former being much higher. A: range B: divert C: differ D: alternate