• 2022-06-06
    A way to repay someone for granting an informational interview is: (choose all that apply)
    A: to write them a thank you note
    B: to not contact them again - they have already given you their time
    C: to suggest that all of your friends call them
    D: to offer to be of help to them in some way, if you can
    E: to offer to pay them for their time
    F: all of the above
  • E


    • 0

      You can remember the words better in all the ways except ______. A: saying them out loud B: writing them down C: looking at them in a book D: sticking them up around your room

    • 1

      According to Emmett Shear, the CEO of Twitch, which is the right way to get buy in from the other people in the company A: tell them you are in charge and will take the responsibility B: go to them and tell them you have interacted with your users and made a mature plan C: play back for them the interview that you have recorded when talking to users D: send them an email which elaborates on your plan

    • 2

      (2) Strengths can be good or bad, so you have to build them with all efforts.

    • 3

      If all your answers to the following three questions are “ yes ” , you will feel empowered or self-motivated, please choose them:

    • 4

      I’ve given______ to Bob. A: all them B: all of them C: all D: them all of