• 2022-06-06
    The 89C51 extension parallel three bus refers to the address bus, the data bus and
  • the control bus


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      — Excuse me! I’m going to Linzi. The No. 51 bus? The No. 51 bus __to Huantai. Take the No. 20 bus, please.

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      PCI Bus是并行(Parallel)共享( ),可以使各种速度不同的( )联接在一起工作,透过Bus管制功能(Bus Arbitration)取得Bus的使用权 A: Bus B: DNP C: Device D: ASCII

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      A dedicated bus needs address lines.

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      18.A) Bus 7.B) Bus 70.C) Bus 17.D) Bus 20. A: Bus 7. B: Bus 70. C: Bus 17. D: Bus 20.

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      In Verilog HDL, which option is the correct interpretation of the following statement? assign bus [7:4] = {bus [0], bus [1], bus[2], bus[3] } ; A: bus[0], bus[1], bus[2] and bus[3] are assigned to bus[4], bus[5], bus[6] and bus[7] respectively B: bus[0], bus[1], bus[2] and bus[3] are assigned to bus[7], bus[6], bus[5] and bus[4] respectively C: The values of bus[0], bus[1], bus[2] and bus[3] remain unchanged D: All the values of bus[0], bus[1], bus[2] and bus[3] become binary 0