• 2022-06-06
    is the punishment to Adam from God?
    A: He
    had to be ruled by woman.
    B: He
    had to eat dust.
    C: He had to walk on his belly.
    D: He
    had to feed his family.
  • D


    • 0

      —Is Paul playing basketball for his school?[br][/br] —Well,he _______. But he has given it up and switched to playing volleyball. A: is B: was C: has D: had

    • 1

      He couldsupport his family with his salary; consequently, he had to bear the pressure exerted on him by his family. A: arely B: sparsely C: eversely D: harshly

    • 2

      He was criticized for _____. A: he had done it B: what he had done C: what had he done D: that he had done it

    • 3

      When he lost his job, he felt he had _______ his family. A: failed B: reached C: erased D: Lost

    • 4

      What had he included in his speech?