• 2022-06-06
    Which criminal is likely to receive the new forms of punishment?
    A: A spy
    B: A thief
    C: A murderer
    D: A drug dealer
  • B


    • 0

      Drug metabolism usually results in a product that is A: more likely to distribute intracellularly B: less lipid soluble than the original drug C: more likely to be reabsorbed by kidney tubules D: more lipid soluble than the original drug E: more likely to produce adverse effects

    • 1

      When one culture meets another, which of the following aspects of one culture is borrowed by the other culture? ( )。 A: New concept B: New forms of language C: New words D: New ideas

    • 2

      Immediately after the “9.11 Event”, President Bush declared war on_____________. A: criminal B: terrorism C: thief D: businessman

    • 3

      The two women claimed they were the u_____ victims of a drug dealer who planted a large quantity of heroin in their luggage.(not knowing; unaware)

    • 4

      Which of the following are the purposes of punishment?