• 2022-06-06
    翻译:oday Szita, 67, recalls that first day of class as the day she broke the cycle of illiteracy destroying her family — at the time three of her four children were high-school dropouts. (Para 2)
  • 如今,67岁的西塔对第一天上课的情形仍然记忆犹新。因为那一天,她打破了正在摧毁其家庭的文盲死循环——当时,她四个孩子中有三个已经从高中辍学。


    • 0

      If she is _ ,then she will return another day with her son.

    • 1

      The old lady has a high fever for more than two days, but her doctor has ____ her family that she’ll recover in no time at all.

    • 2

      It is high time she ___ her toys away.

    • 3

      The first time Wanda ____ to ice skate, she fell down and broke her wrist. A: mentioned B: attempted C: equested

    • 4

      The teacher () us to come to school on time on the first day of school.