• 2022-06-06
    The small bar was near a ______.
    A: hospital
    B: railway station
    C: Bus stop
  • B


    • 0

      A unique architecture image of a dancing peacock is created with _____. A: Hangzhou East Railway Station B: Kunming South Railway Station C: Zhengzhou East Railway Station D: Xi'an North Railway Station

    • 1

      Which station abstractly expresses the charm of the grand roof of Tang Dynasty palace buildings? A: Hohhot East Railway Station B: Zhengzhou East Railway Station C: Xi’an North Railway Station D: Hangzhou East Railway Station

    • 2

      This railway station is the biggest in the city. This railway station is ______ any other one in the city.

    • 3

      BUS(Bus bar)

    • 4

      当询问“是否能搭乘这辆巴士去地铁站”时,我们可以说So can I take this bus to the railway station?