• 2022-06-06
    What elements does a phrase contain and what role does each element play
  • specifiers: Semantically, they help make more precise the meaning of the head. Syntactically, they typically mark a phrase boundary. complements: Complements are themselves phrases and provide information about entities and locations whose existence is implied by the meaning of the head. modifiers: Modifiers specifies optionally expressible properties of heads.


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      What kind of role does Mrs. Sands play in the story?

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      What elements does a phrase contain A: specifier, modifier and complement B: head, specifier and complement C: head, specifier and complementize D: determiner, modifier and complement

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      What role in terms of international police cooperation does China play in the context of the “Belt and Road Initiative”?

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      What does good delivery contain?

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      WhAt role, Any, Does money plAy in employee re Cognition, joB re Design, AnD skill-BAseD pAy?