• 2022-06-06
    2. Q: What is the man worried about?​浏览器不支持音频​
    A: Getting another job.
    B: Losing his current job.
    C: Living on what he makes with just one job.
    D: The reality of how expensive living is.
  • C


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      What are they talking about A: The man’s job (工作,职责). B: The woman’s job. C: The woman’s teacher.

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      John arrived late for the job interview and this _________ his chance of getting the job.

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      What does the woman advise the man to do A: Find another job. B: Do the job firstly. C: Ask the boss to raise the salary.

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      Listento the talk about how to quit a job. A: Get a higher paying job. B: Tell their employer that the job is unfulfilling. C: Get advice about their current position. D: Look for a new position.

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      The young man applied for a job as a teacher because he liked the job.