• 2022-06-06
    Because it’s a part of the condition of his parole that he ______ friends and relatives and exconvicts and just about everybody.
    A: stay
    B: stays away from
    C: stay with
    D: stay in
  • B


    • 0

      It's suggested that he ______in bed for another week. A: stay B: stays

    • 1

      Tom's father, as well as his mother,()in New York for a few days more. A: asks he stay B: ask he stay C: ask him to stay D: asks for his staying

    • 2

      It is no use ____(stay away from) him. He is making unbearable noises.

    • 3

      告知人员远离传送系统。 A: Tell personnel to stay away from the conveyor system. B: Leave a verbal statement to personnel to stay away from the conveyer system. C: Warn personnel to stay away from the conveyor system.

    • 4

      He _________ late to finish his work. A: stay up B: in the near future C: on one's part D: pour into