• 2022-06-06
    We are now engaged in a great and most __________ cause, never undertaken by our forefathers.
  • glorious


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      They are the most precious cultural ___ our forefathers left. A: legal B: illegal C: legacy D: inherit

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      The proposal ____ at the meeting now is of great importance to our department.

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      We hoped __________ being there would give our cause credibility.

    • 3

      In the sentence, “Never too busy for the wonder and the awe of life”(Paragraph 8) , the author tries to tell us that ____. A: we should respect and embrace every moment of our life B: we should enjoy our life to the most C: we should be very cautious about our life D: we should feel amazed and thankful for the life

    • 4

      When we heard about the dreadful suffering of the children and adults, our primary instinct, like millions of others, was to shed tears. A: very unpleasant B: cause great fear or suffering