• 2022-06-06
    A perfectly competitive firm maximizes its profit by
    A: setting its price so that it exceeds the marginal revenue.
    B: choosing to produce the quantity that sets MC equal to MR.
    C: cutting wages.
    D: manipulating demand.
  • B


    • 0

      A firm maximizes profit by operating at the level of output where A: average revenue equals average cost. B: average revenue equals average variable cost. C: total costs are minimized. D: marginal revenue equals marginal cost. E: marginal revenue exceeds marginal cost by the greatest amount.

    • 1

      In the Bertrand model of duopoly, each firm sets its price, believing that the other's price will not change. When both firms have identical production functions and produce with constant returns to scale, the Bertrand equilibrium price is equal to marginal cost. A: 错 B: 对

    • 2

      Refer to Figure 9.6. At a market price of $20, this perfectly competitive profit maximizing firm should produce approximately ________ units.572c6d5de4b0809f2415b2ef.png

    • 3

      Which type of profit maximizing firm will choose to produce where marginal revenue equals marginal cost?

    • 4

      Monopolists will maximize profit by producing at an output level where which of the following conditions exists() A: Price = marginal revenue = marginal cost. B: Price = demand = marginal revenue = marginal cost. C: Marginal revenue = marginal cost < price.