• 2022-06-06
    Skim the Text for the main ideas and fill in the blanks with the key words given in the box. Nike________ ①started Nike in 1985.At that time, the brandwas calledBlue _______ ②.Nike is namedafter the ③.Today, Nike mainly producesshoes and _______ ④.Nike is popular because it is used by ________⑤such as Michael Jordan.
  • Phil Knight# Ribbon Sports# Greek Goddess of victory# other sportswear# famous athletes


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      The nike name of King Edward was ().

    • 1

      Why is Nike so successful in the sportswear market? It is because of its smart .

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      Which statements are ture about Nike?

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      (单选)NIKE与迈克尔.乔丹(Michael Jordan)签订的第一份合同为几年? A: 2年 B: 3年 C: 4年 D: 5年

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      NIKE哪一年签约了乔丹?() A: 1985 B: 1993 C: 1995 D: 1975