• 2021-04-14
    When delivering your impromptu speech, maintaining with the audience can avoid vocalized pauses.
  • eye contact


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      Which one can not be used to support your point when making an impromptu speech? A: Abstract interpretation. B: Data. C: Personal experience.

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      When you explain statistical findings in your speech , it is better to use _______ to ensure that the audience can better understand them.

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      When you discover most of your audience are showing no interest in your speech, you should: ( )

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      Using evidence is especially critical in a persuasive speech when your target audience __________.

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      When the general purpose of a speech is to inform, your aim is to ________. A: enhance the knowledge and understanding of your audience B: change the attitude of your audience C: change the actions of your audience D: win over your audience to your point of view