• 2022-06-06
    Often associated with crude oil, natural gas is principally made up of_______ and other hydrocarbon gases.
  • methane


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      The role and position of unconventional oil and gas resources in global oil and gas production are becoming more and more important. Which of the following are unconventional oil and gas resources? A: Tight rock oil and gas B: Mud shale oil and gas C: Coalbed methane D: Oil shale E: Oil sands F: Natural gas hydrate

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      When conventional heating cannot be avoided, the energy carrier will define carbon emissions. What is the order of coal, oil, and natural gas? A: oil < gas

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      Fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas are non-renewable energy sources.

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      Burning coal, oil and natural gas are ways to reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

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      5. Thousands of products __________ from crude oil are now in daily use. A) to make B) be made C) making D) made