• 2022-06-06
    Now a husband probably()
    A: plays a greater part in looking after the children
    B: helps his wife by doing most of the housework
    C: feels dissatisfied with his part in the family
    D: takes a part-time job so that he can be more helpful at home
  • B


    • 0

      There is _____(没有可能)he can find a part time job in the small town.

    • 1

      He is determined to become an artist and I think that he ___. A: looks like it B: feels like it C: looks the part D: takes the part

    • 2

      According to the author, a husband usually wants all of the following EXCEPT ______. A: being able to marry a new wife whenever he pleases B: being bound for life with his wife by marriage C: being able to insist that his wife takes a job while he is at school D: having the right to demand that his wife performs a wife's duties entirely at home when he has got a job

    • 3

      His plays were performed by both professional and a_____ theatrical groups. ( taking part in an activity for pleasure and not as a job)

    • 4

      He used to enjoy going out to ( ) with friends, but he started spending more time with family after his wife gave birth to their baby daughter.