• 2022-06-07
    Which of the following refers to the complexity and content of a message?
    A: interactivity
    B: richness
    C: reach
    D: information density
  • B


    • 0

      Which of the following is NOT an attribute of effective communication A: Clarity B: Completeness C: Complexity D: Relevance

    • 1

      Which of the following is NOT a feature of academic text? A: Formality B: Recreational C: Complexity D: Accuracy

    • 2

      ​_______ refers to the means through which message is communicated. ‏ A: Channel B: Interference C: Feedback D: Situation

    • 3

      _______ refers to the means through which message is communicated. A: Channel B: Interference C: Feedback D: Situation

    • 4

      ‍_______ refers to the context in which speech communication takes place.​‍​ A: Situation B: Feedback C: Message D: Interference