• 2022-06-06
    Jefferson was determined never to answer his critics because ________.
    A: he thought there was no sense in defending obviously correct ideas
    B: he believed silence was a source of strength
    C: he believed conflict was inevitable
    D: he knew the more he said, the more they would resent him
  • C


    • 0

      Kent says that he introduced automation at his factory because he() A: wanted to make the future of the steel industry more secure. B: thought that his men were not working hard enough. C: needed to cut down on the running costs of the company. D: believed it would encourage team spirit in his workforc

    • 1

      When the auto repairman tried the tricky question on the author ____________. A: he had no idea what the result would be B: he was certain that the author would be caught C: he knew that the author would give the correct answer D: he knew that the author would give an unusual answer

    • 2

      Jefferson was determined never to answer his critics because __________.

    • 3

      Edward Burton had done something the narrator could never believed he would, unless he had heard the story from his own lips.

    • 4

      选出正确选项:He never believed he and Susan would be____. A: reconcilled B: reconcil C: reconciled D: reconsider