• 2022-06-06
    By cutting down trees we _______ the natural habitat of birds and animals.
    A: damage
    B: injure
    C: hurt
    D: wound
  • A


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      Which of the following is NOT the reason why animals worldwide are in danger? A: People poison them. B: There is habitat loss. C: There are natural disasters. D: There is hunting.

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      We should not wear animals’ furs anymore in order to protect wild animals.( )

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      In order to protect trees, we should not cut down trees for __________________ chopsticks. A: once B: throwaway

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      阅读下面短文,根据短文内容填写表格,每空限填一词。 When an animal becomes extinct (灭绝), we will never see it again, except for some bones (骨头) in the ground. How sad! Why do animals become extinct? People are cutting down large forests in Europe, Asia and other parts of the world. This destroys the homes of many wild animals. For example, some monkeys and apes (猿) eat the fruit and leaves in the tall trees. People cut down all the tall trees, leaving only the short ones. If the monkeys and apes don’t have food, they will die. With more and more people on Earth, there is less room for other animals like bear and wolves. Some animals are dying off because people hunt (猎杀) them for food. Some people shoot tigers, lions and other animals for fur to make money. They kill elephants, for their teeth, and also force some of them to drag (拉) heavy machines to help them out down trees. Tourists can hurt animals, too. Turtles lay their eggs on beaches in countries such as Greece, but they can’t do this when tourists are on the beach. Pollution is another killer. Some factories pour dirty water into rivers, and then many fish get sick and die. And one day, the Arctic (北极) might melt because of global warming (温室效应). Then where will polar bears live? 1 do animals become extinct? 2 People are cutting down the3 . This destroys the4 of many wild animals. People hunt or kill animals for5 , fur and6 . People force some animals to7 . 8 is another killer. Result What should we do? We should9 the10 .

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      It ’ s high time we _____cutting down the rain forests.