• 2022-06-06
    The Himalayas in the Tibetan language means ______.( )
    A: “land of snow”
    B: “land of river”
    C: “land of water”
    D: “land of lake”
  • A


    • 0

      Minerals,timber, land, and water are natural ______(s).

    • 1

      Long-distance buses give people the chance to travel across ______. A: huge and continuous sections of land B: large and beautiful land C: small but beautiful land D: huge districts of land

    • 2

      To land a job means to get a new job.

    • 3

      FengshuiisaChinesesystemofgeomancybelievedtousethelawsofboth_________(Chineseastronomy)and_________tohelponeimprovelifebyreceivingpositiveqi.Thetermfengshuiliterallytranslatesas"wind-water"inEnglish.Qiridesthewindandscatters,butisretainedwhenencounteringwater. A: heaven,earth B: wind,water C: sky,land D: mountain,river

    • 4

      Pollution refers primarily to the of air, water, and land by wastes._