• 2022-06-06
    The Newtonian laws worked well for over 200 years till Einstein found that these laws are ___________.
    A: wrong
    B: insufficient
    C: not valid
    D: correct
  • B


    • 0

      If the sales contract contains provisions contrasting to the definition of the Incoterms used, as far as the provisions are legally recognized by relevant laws and regulations, the will be valid,

    • 1

      Which of the following is not true about federal laws A: Federal laws are enforced by the Securities and Exchange Commission. B: Federal laws apply to securities listed on the national security exchanges. C: Federal laws apply to mutual funds and all of OTC stocks. D: Federal laws require the registration of new securities.

    • 2

      () among the peasants for many years, he knew them very well A: Working B: Having worked C: To worked D: Being worked

    • 3

      According to US laws, American children must go to school until they are at least 16 years old.

    • 4

      Why are laws formed A: laws are made before a contingency B: Laws are made after a contingency C: A contingency always happens before a law is approved and passed D: laws are passed to stand the 'test of time' and are applicable to other similar circumstances in the future