• 2022-06-07
    W: How is your Uncle Paul doingM: Not so good.W: Does Paul need a new houseM: Yes, he does. His house is too old and small.W: How many children does Paul haveM: He has five children.W: What does Paul’s family needM: The family needs more money. How is Paul’s house()
    A: It is big and new.
    B: It is not big and very old.
    C: It is big enough for the children to live.
    D: It is in good condition.
  • B



    • 0

      How does Jasmine know that John and Paul are waiting for her? A: Paul called her B: The receptionist called her C: They made an appointment

    • 1

      I don't know ________________. A: how many children he has B: how many chidren does he have

    • 2

      Lucy:<br/>______ does Paul go to work?<br/>Bill:<br/>He goes to work on foot. A: How B: When C: What D: Where

    • 3

      Tom likes English. [u]        [/u]. 未知类型:{'label': 'questionDesc', 'content': '请选择正确答案。', 'isMemberControl': 0, 'type': 181} A: Neither does Paul B: So does Paul C: So has Paul D: Neither has Paula

    • 4

      •Jennifer: Hi, Paul! It’s you! 1)________. How are you?•Paul: Very well, thank you. And you, Jennifer?•Jennifer: Not too bad. Rebecca told me you’ve got a new job. So, 2) ___________?•Paul: I’m a computer programmer with Lenova.•Jennifer: Oh, really? 3)____________?•Paul: I’m working on a new software.•Jennifer: That sounds great!