• 2022-06-07
    15. The blood test will show whether or not you’re immune _____ the disease.
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      Condition in which there is no positive blood test or biopsy but if a patient goes off gluten she feels much better: A: Celiac disease B: Latent celiac disease C: Non-celiac gluten sensitivity D: Silent celiac disease

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      Which of the following is Koch’s basic principle of proving whether a microorganism is the causative agent of a disease? ( ) A: Pasteur Effect B: Koch Postulates C: Species Principle D: Immune Principles

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      Blood Tests include______. A: Complete Blood Count(CBC) B: Blood Chemistry Test C: Liver Function Test D: Skin test

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      The disease is more commonly ___________ mad cow disease.

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      An eponymous disease refers to a disease named after a patient who suffers from the disease.