• 2022-06-08
    A: short
    B: thin
    C: fat
    D: handsome
  • B


    • 0

      请选出图片中人物的姓名。[img=306x463]17da637c1eb3a58.jpg[/img] A: Dante Alighier B: RaffaelloSanzio C: LeonardoDi Serpiero Da Vinci

    • 1

      下列描述中,正确的是______ 。 A: 1MB=1024*1024 Bytes B: 1KB=1024*1024 Bytes C: 1KB=1024 Bits D: 1MB=1024 Bytes

    • 2

      1GB等于()字节。 A: 1000×1000 B: 1000×1000×1000 C: 3×1024 D: 1024×1024×1024

    • 3

      What does “thin is 'in', and fat is 'out'”mean A: Thin is "inside”, and fat is “outside". B: Thin is "diligent”, and fat is "lazy". C: Thin is "youthful, and fat is "spiritless". D: Thin is "fashionable”, and fat is "unfashionable”.

    • 4

      9. In the U. S., thin is "in", fat is "out", this means _______. A: thin is "inside", fat is "outside" B: thin is "diligent", fat is "lazy" C: thin is "youthful", fat is "spiritless" D: thin is "fashionable", fat is "unfashionable"